Friday, 11 May 2012

The Perfect Poncho

Wow, Friday already! This week's flown by. My Finished object this week is Emma Fassio's Rosa's Caponcho. It was a total dream to knit. I used King Cole Riot Chunky in the Seashore colour way which gave me really pretty stripes and knitted up very quickly. I dropped a needle size from what the pattern called for so it would be a good size for my almost 4 yr old, Ruby. She loves it :)

For more Finished Objects visit Tami's


  1. Awww she is so cute!!! She looks so happy, like inwardly happy. ^_^ I love the way the stripes worked out, too.

  2. This is gorgeous, I love the colours!

  3. Cute poncho, cuter model! Love her smile!
